This two part workshop held over 2 days 8th and 9th of September(4 hours total) = will address the barriers faced by Indigenous students and clients with a disability and strategies for effectively serving this cohort of students or clients in a culturally safe way.
This workshop will provide the opportunity for participants to:
Due to COVID19 this event will be held online with 2 x 2 hour interactive sessions. Participant numbers will be limited to 20 to allow for a deep level of interaction and listening.
September 8, 2022 10:00 AM
Sep 9, 2022 10:00 AM
The dates are yet to be confirmed for this workshop
The cost of this workshop will be:
Roslyn Sackley is a Nyiampaa and Wiradjuri woman with total vision loss from meningitis as an infant. Roslyn was one of the first Indigenous Australians with a disability to graduate from a Australian Tertiary institution, taking out her first degree in the 1970s. She has taught in the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales primary, senior secondary, TAFE and University sectors.
Roslyn brings to the team leadership in the area of cultural safety for students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds. In 2019 she was awarded the 2019 Trevor Parmenter Award for Excellence in the category of Lifetime Achievement Advocacy.
She has participated in cross-disability organisations and has been a tireless and effective Indigenous representative on many national bodies including the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO), Telstra Disability Forum and NSW Disability Council.
For over 40 years, Roslyn has been a vocal advocate for many Social Justice concerns relating to Aboriginal issues, homelessness, mental health, environment, treatment of refugees, asylum seekers and many more.
She is guided by her person philosophy comprising of of Practicalities (common sense), Optimism, Life Long Learning and Lateral Thinking.
Dr. Sharon Kerr has had over 30 years experience working with students with a wide range of disabilities and is widely recognized as having expertise in maximizing student engagement for students with intellectual, sensory, learning, psychological and physical disabilities. Her PhD thesis was in the area of supporting Indigenous students with a disability.
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