This policy has been developed to support the VET Quality Framework, to ensure Australian College of Disability and Community Services (ACDCS) provides clear and accurate information in regard to non-academic and academic misconduct, the consequences and potential outcomes.
This policy applies to all ACDCS students, trainers, and staff.
The Code of Conduct forms the basis of the relationship between ACDCS and its students. ACDCS is committed to providing a fulfilling learning environment, and this commitment is underpinned by an expectation that students and staff will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the ACDCS’ values.
The purpose of this Code is to define the standards of behaviour by which all ACDCS students agree to be bound as a condition of their enrolment. This Code operates within the context of broader Australian State and Commonwealth laws about antidiscrimination and anti-harassment legislation, and the meaning of other ACDCS policies and procedures. The overarching principle of this Code is that students act in a way that is consistent with a safe work/study environment.
All students, throughout their training and involvement with ACDCS, are expected to:
Personal responsibility, students will:
- read and comply with their Enrolment conditions and the ACDCS policies and procedures.
- read and comply with their program and Course requirements.
- take responsibility for their own education and direct their own learning.
- monitor their academic progress
- raise issues or concerns with ACDCS in a timely manner
Honesty and integrity, students will:
- uphold academic Integrity.
- assist ACDCS to comply with all relevant and appropriate legislation and regulations that apply to the College.
- conduct themselves appropriately when representing ACDCS within the community.
- report a breach of the Code if they reasonably believe that they have observed a breach.
Respect and fairness, students will:
- treat other Students and ACDCS staff with respect and fairness.
- avoid discriminatory conduct on grounds such as gender, sexuality, race, ability, cultural background, religion, age or political conviction.
- not engage in conduct which may objectively be considered as harassment or Bullying, or which is otherwise disruptive or intimidating.
- respect the privacy of others in the collection, use or access of personal information whilst undertaking studies.
- not disclose confidential information concerning any matter relating to ACDCS.
- avoid disrupting or interfering with any training and learning, or other activity of ACDCS.
- consider their responsibilities and the consequences of their actions when exercising their freedom of Speech.
- not impair the rights of others to participate in any legitimate ACDCS activity.
- not encourage, persuade or incite others to engage in conduct or behaviour constituting misconduct in accordance with ACDCS policies and procedures.
Safety and respect property, students will:
- not endanger, or potentially endanger, the safety or health of others.
- not cause harm to others, including Students and ACDCS staff, whilst on ACDCS premises.
- not engage in conduct that is considered reasonably likely to be harmful or has the potential to harm other students or ACDCS staff.
- not engage in unlawful behaviour.
- not participate in any activity conducted by ACDCS while under the influence of alcohol or any prohibited substance.
- not use, possess or supply a prohibited weapon or any prohibited substance at the ACDCS premises.
- use ACDCS property or resources, including communication technology resources, cooperatively, legally, ethically responsibly and appropriately.
- respect the property rights of others, including Students and ACDCS staff, whilst on the ACDCS premises.
- comply with any reasonable request or directions from ACDCS staff with regard to safety or compliance with policy and procedure.
Non-Academic misconduct
Means any conduct which is contravenes the obligations and expectations identified in the Code of Conduct This includes but is not limited to: any behaviour which causes physical or psychological harm. Removal, theft, intentional damage, tempering, vandalism, illegal use of, any inappropriate use of, or restriction of access to ACDCS property or equipment; and non-compliance with ACDCS Policy and the reasonable direction of Staff or Authorised Persons of ACDCS particularly where the safety and wellbeing of others is at risk.
Academic Misconduct includes but is not limited to:
Means conduct where a student attempts or succeeds in obtaining unfair academic advantage through misrepresentation, plagiarising, colluding, falsification, cheating, use of social relationships with academic staff or any other breach of academic integrity for their own gain or the benefit of others
All alleged breaches relating to misconduct will be addressed and resolved within the context of the relevant principles of procedural fairness.