Australian College of Disability and Community Services (ACDCS) is owned and operated by the Centre for Disability Studies (CDS). It brings to the training sector a unique team with a global reputation in the serving and support of people with a disability.
CDS has for over 24 years provided training to the industry both locally and internationally. ACDCS in 2021 is the latest initiative of the CDS team to meet sector demand for quality person-centered training for their staff.
Due to COVID19 – in 2021, all classes are being taught online using a mix of interactive face-to-face sessions with video conferencing supplemented with online course materials(through the CANVAS learning management system). Students undertaking courses with ACDCS meet weekly with their trainers in the weekly class sessions.
Vision: Building a pathway for Change
Mission: Our mission is to improve the lives of people both receiving and delivering community and disability services. Our focus is on being responsive to the needs of the sector and delivering training that is based on evidence based best practice delivered by trainers with a global reputation for their knowledge and skills in the community and disability service sector.
· Care and support of students
· Embrace and drive positive change
· Person-centeredness
· Cultural safety
· Universal design of learning
· Quality training
· Belief in the potential of all to strive and achieve
· Respect for the individual
· Social inclusion
· Equity of access to education and opportunity
· Belief in the joy of learning
ACDCS is owned and operated by: The Centre for Disability Studies (CDS), a non-profit organisation affiiliated with a leading Australian university for research.
CDS have been in operation since 1997. As such all operations of ACDCS are overseen by the senior management of CDS and its Board. For further information visit: