A/Professor O’Donovan has a global reputation for her knowledge and expertise in the areas of health and housing needs and later life transitions of older people with an intellectual disability.
This two hour workshop will address health, ageing and living with intellectual disability, framed by a biopsychosocial model of health and wellbeing.
We will discuss:
· The meaning of ageing from the perspective of the individual, the family & the health practitioner.
· Issues of onset and presentation of ageing in people with ID
·Issues of support, health access & utilisation, & supported decision making
·Ageing carers, future planning, & ageing in place.
March 23, 2022 10:00 AM
Mar 23, 2022 10:00 AM
The dates are yet to be confirmed for this workshop
The cost of this workshop will be:
$225pp (Group Discounts apply - contact sharon.kerr@acdcs.edu.au for information)
Associate Professor Mary-Ann O’Donovan PhD, MPhil, BSc (Mgt) has recently been appointed as the new Executive Director of Centre for Disability Studies and the Australian College for Disability and Community Services. She comes from the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin. She has a breadth of research experience - management of national disability databases, analysis of large data sets, qualitative research, policy content analysis. She has a particular interest in inclusive practice and policy that informs people with disability to engage in further education and employment. She has been in involved in larger search projects that have studied the health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability.
As Assistant Professor in Intellectual Disability and Inclusion within the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin, Mary-Ann was the course coordinator for the Fetac Level 5 Certificate in Arts, Science and Applied Inclusive Practice for People with Intellectual Disabilities within the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities (TCPID).
Mary-Ann was an Alumnus of the HRB SPHERE program, completing her PHD in Health Services Research and Population Health Sciences in the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland 2015. The PhD focused on the health and housing needs and later life transitions of older people with an intellectual disability. Previous work experience includes Project Manager of the IDS-TILDA study, management of the Department of Health's National Physical and Sensory Disability Database(NPSDD) in the Health Research Board, research officer in the National Disability Authority and the Rehab Group.
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